Bluebell and his flower fairy friends lose their habitat. Can Matt and Lucy make them happy again? What do you know about flowers? Where do they live? When can you...
Jurors’ comment: Chutipa: Attractive book design with good quality production. Interesting characters of young kids trying to solve the case. The illustration is beautiful and coordinates with the story very well...
Jürgen lebt in Berlin, es sind Sommerferien und in seinem Privatleben läuft nicht alles so, wie es sollte. Da fährt er mit seinem Freund Friedrich in den Schwarzwald zum Klettern...
Die Geschichten dieser zehn Personen zeigen, dass es möglich ist, die Welt zu verändern.Entdecken wir gemeinsam das Leben, das Engagement und die außergewöhnliche Menschlickeit dieser Frauen und Männer. Trotz großer...
Tonton Jean et les enfants se détendaient dans leur jardin quand Berthe Lavoie, l’amie de Tonton Jean qui vit au Québec, a téléphoné. Elle a téléphoné parce qu’elle avait un problème avec des...
Ein Diebstahl im Ägyptischen Museum! Der grüne Kopf ist weg! Jutta, Tina, Mark und Fabian gehen auf ein Konzert. Am nächsten Tag erfahren sie von einem Diebstahl im Ägyptischen Museum....
“A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented” The story, set in a poor rural area of England in the 19th century, centres around Tess Durbeyfield, a sweet, innocent, country girl who is...
Cecco vive tra le colline di Siena e ha un migliore amico: si chiama Nuvola ed è un adorabile cavallo del colore delle nuvole. Il giorno del Palio si avvicina...
DESCRIZIONE Nonna Rosa è al Bioparco di Roma e una scimmia le prende la magica borsa gialla! Povera nonna Rosa: deve correre per tutto il Bioparco! Aiuta nonna Rosa a riprendere...
Mamie Pétronille et le singe by Jane Cadwallader. Level 1 of the Poussins series (100 words). Now with downloadable audio. Voilà les aventures de mamie Pétronille et d’un petit singe au bioparc. Dans...
Санкт-Петербург – это один из самых красивых городов Европы. Город имеет множество символических названий: Северная Пальмира, Северная Венеция, северная столица России, «окно в Европу», Град Петров, город белых ночей, город...
На берегу моря стоял старый человек. В его руках был кораблик с алыми парусами.Он внимательно рассматривал игрушку Ассоль. Человека этого звали Эгль, он былизвестным писателем.— Это мой кораблик, отдай его...
Davide è un detective molto strano! Non è coraggioso, è disordinato, è distratto… ma risolve tutti i misteri! In questa storia, Davide e i suoi amici poliziotti devono scoprire...
Lo zio Piero e i suoi nipoti, Paolo, Lisa e Silvia, trovano dei piccoli suricati. I piccoli animali sono molto tristi perché sono lontani da casa. Zio Piero decide...
Chi arriva dallo spazio? Due simpatici amici: l’alieno PB3 e la sua amica robot Milla. Vengono dal pianeta P3 e vogliono imparare tante cose. Per esempio… la frutta e...
Con Nonna Rosa, ogni cosa diventa una sorpresa! Così, una gita sulla spiaggia si trasforma in una magica avventura! Nonna Rosa e i suoi amici incontrano dei piccoli vichinghi!...
La cigarrera Amparo: uno de los más atractivos personajes femeninos de la novelística española del XIX. La Tribuna (considerada la primera novela social y la primera novela naturalista española)...
Ribadesella, una tranquila localidad asturiana, esconde un tesoro: la Perla Azul. Los antepasados de Don Carlos guardaban este secreto; ahora él, con la ayuda de su loro Pepe, desea...
A Venezia arriva l’acqua alta e dei ladri rubano un quadro di Leonardo da Vinci! Tina e suo fratello Leone abitano a Venezia. Leone lavora al museo delle Gallerie...
A0 These are two traditional stories around getting the ingredients to make soup. In the first one, retold in a famous version by Aleksey Tolstoy, who will help grandpa pull...
B2 ‘You must be the best judge of your own happiness.’ Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, rich, intelligent and a snob. She says she will never marry, but loves matchmaking...
B2 Hester Prynne must wear a scarlet letter “A” because she is an adulteress. She lives a simple life with her daughter, Pearl but the evil, old Roger Chillingworth and...
B1 “She had an immense curiosity about life, and was constantly staring and wondering.” One sleepy summer, an American woman arrives in England and wakes everybody up. Isabel Archer...
B1 The novel has attracted the admiration of writers as diverse as Henry James and Jorge Luis Borges. Kidnapped is an adventure story set in Scotland in the 18th...
B1 When five young people in Berlin receive a mystery invitation, they begin an adventure that takes them to Greenland, Rwanda, South Africa and South America. It’s an adventure that...
B1 Niara, Yoshi and Gunnar are the lucky winners of a trip to Brazil. Follow them while traveling around this country. While making a documentary about the country, they will...
B1 Vancouver is Canada’s gateway to the Pacific Rim. Allan introduces us to the city, his family, and friends. His days are filled with sports, school, and everyday family life....
A2 One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she...
A2 “The most important thing is not to think very much about oneself.” Virginia Woolf In this book, you will find the diaries of many different people. Here are writers,...
A2 Enjoy reading about this little boy and discover if he stays true to himself even with all the changes in his life. In the mid-1880s, young Cedric Errol...
A1 Step back in time to experience the adventures of a group of people to Canterbury in this stunning reconstruction of 14th Century England. In 1387, a group of people...