A2 “Discover my Perù”. Juanita has a dream: she hopes her alpaca will have two little babies, one for her and one for her brother. But usually, alpacas only...
A2 This is perhaps the most well-loved story by Charles Dickens. Dickens asked his readers to ‘have a heart that never gets hard’. As readers follow the life of Oliver...
A2 Sathya, Isuri and their friends live near Weligama, a town in Sri Lanka. Every morning they go to school, and every afternoon they jump on a tuk-tuk to go...
A1.1 Real beauty comes from inside. This is the story of a wicked queen and her magic mirror. Snow White runs away and goes to the forest. She meets...
A1.1 Imagine you found a fairy at the bottom of your garden. And imagine the fairy tells you that your wishes will come true! This is what happens to the...
What would you do if you found a baby dinosaur in your oven? This is what happens to Sally and her brother and sister. Sally and Orry, the dinosaur, quickly...
A1 PB3 finds that helping isn’t always as easy as it seems and it’s important to think before you act! PB3 and his robot, Robin, are with their Earth...
TEEBeijing is a rapidly growing city where modernity and tradition meet and ‘clash’ in a dynamic and intense union. Come and discover the most fascinating locations in this great metropolis...
A1.1 ‘In the deep green forest, what can you see? Ants and snakes and spiders and monkeys up a tree! In the deep green forest, what can you do? Take...
A2 Vieni a conoscere il messaggio di pace tra gli uomini, amicizia e amore per il mondo di san Francesco di Assisi! I Fioretti di san Francesco sono dei...
A2 Amore, inganni, travestimenti e tante risate in una delle più famose commedie del grande Carlo Goldoni. Uno dei classici italiani più amati nel mondo. I giovani Florindo e...
A2 Una divertentissima storia d’amore e una critica spietata all’ipocrisia. Un marito sciocco, una moglie bellissima e fedele, un giovane innamorato e… una pianta magica ma mortale: la mandragola!...
A2 Una confessione a cuore aperto sulla propria vita, ironica, cinica e severa. Zeno è un antieroe indimenticabile: “Ci sono tre cose che dimentico sempre: nomi, facce, la terza non...
A2 “Io devo vedere la ragazza dai capelli d’oro. Non ho paura né degli inglesi, né della morte! Sono il pirata più temuto del Borneo: io sono la Tigre!” ...
A2 Di notte, per le strade di Firenze puoi fare gli incontri più magici. Stai attento, quando cammini per questa bellissima città: qui ogni strada è piena di storie! ...
A2 Una storia di amicizia ambientata in una delle città più belle d’Italia: Napoli. Anna è nata a Napoli, ma abita a Vancouver. Qui i genitori hanno molte pizzerie...
A2 Un originale viaggio in Italia, attraverso i siti UNESCO. L’Italia è uno dei Paesi più ricchi al mondo di bellezze artistiche e naturali. È anche il Paese con più...
A2 An adventure novel featuring Richard Hannay, an all-action hero with a stiff upper lip and a miraculous knack for getting himself out of sticky situations. Richard Hannay is...
A2 If someone says Scotland, what do you think of? Kilts? Tartan? The Bagpipes? Well, yes you're right, but theres lots more too! Do you like mystery, legends or haunted castles?...
A1 The four Bremen Musicians like the little house in the forest. Its their home now. And every day they sing and play together! This is the story of...
A2 Nyangoma is a Ugandan girl who tells her daily life to children of her age: what they eat, how their school is like, the toys they play with, her...
‘I’m sorry, Grandma. Mummy is right. It isn’t safe to stop in the woods,’ says Little Red Riding Hood. Once upon a time, there was a little girl who...
A1 Have you ever met Munchkins or Winkies or monkeys with wings and an all-powerful wizard? This is the story of how Dorothy made some wonderful friends in a magic...
A2 The novella’s impact is such that it has become a part of the language. Jekyll is a famous London doctor, but something unusual is happening in his house....
A1 Three children and their mother move to a new home because their father gets sent away. They are sad at the beginning of their new life, but they make...
B2 ‘It’s a risk, but you look so like him, I’m sure no one will suspect you’re not the real King.’ English gentleman, Rudolf Rassendyll, travels to the small European...
A2 A beautifully illustrated book of the timeless classics series, a specially-written story for young learners. Little Mowgli's adventure in the jungle, his life and friendship with wild animals and...
A1 ‘Suddenly, in the darkness, there was a terrible, low howl and it came from the moor. ‘The hound!’ cried Holmes.’ Tag Mystery In this Reader you will find:...
B1 “Newland felt more and more embarrassed. The men were all staring into the box where May was sitting between her mother and her aunt, he didn’t recognize the lady...