A2 How we look after water is something that will greatly affect the future of our Earth and the wellbeing of its inhabitants. This book asks children to think about...
Xinxin is a Chinese girl who lives in Italy. When school finishes for the summer holidays, she travels to Shanghai to spend the holidays with her paternal grandparents. Divided by...
A2 A true story of bullying and friendship. Hello! My name is Michael, and this is my secret diary. Well, it’s not really a secret, because I want you...
B2 She was looking for a key to understand. Then she could deal with the heavyweight that had fallen on her young heart. Maggie is a curious girl. She...
A2 Its the summer holidays and Lizzie cant wait to go to the beach in Blackpool with her friends. Instead, she has to spend her summer in the countryside with...
A1.1 Im sorry, Alfred. It's too dangerous here. I want to go home, says Jack. Would you like some cheese? asks Alfred. No, thank you. I want to go home....
A2 “Don’t worry, my child. I’ve heard your words of love and I’m happy for you both Ferdinand, I only wanted to see if your love for my beautiful, sweet...
A2 ‘You must start packing, Ned,’ says his mother, ‘We are leaving early tomorrow... the mountains, remember?’ In this Reader you will find: Games and language activities | An audio...
B1 When The Call of the Wild was published the first printing of 10,000 copies sold out immediately and it is still one the best-known stories written by an American...
A2 “Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?” In this Reader you will find: Information about Mark Twain’s life | A section focusing on...
B1 The philosophical resolution of the novel is ambiguous: the reader must decide whether sense and sensibility have truly merged. In this Reader you will find: Background information about...
B1 ‘Everybody knows that it is true that any rich, single man must definitely want a wife. And, of course, all mothers think this rich, single man is the perfect...
A1 PB3 finds that recycling definitely has advantages! But will it help him find what he needs to fix Robin? When PB3’s robot, Robin, stops working, the doctor on Planet...
A1 When Fred helps a friendly extraterrestrial, PB3, and his robot, Robin, to buy Earth fruit and vegetables he doesn’t know that some sticky substance from outer space will come...
A1 Two children, Sue and Ben, dive into the sea and meet PB3 and his robot, Robin. Together they come face to face with the bad OOs from Planet X011...
A1 Will the children be able to save PB3 and Robin from the OOs? And from the journalists? PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little...
C2 Heart of Darkness is classified by the Modern Library website editors as one of the “100 best novels” and part of the Western canon. Marlow, a man who...
B1 ‘After a long, sweaty and exhausting climb the team reaches the eastern peak of Ben Nevis. But a surprise is waiting for them when they reach the top…’ ...
B1 The story traces the life of David Copperfield from childhood to maturity. In this reader you will find: information about Charles Dickens Tags Family | Friendship...
The classic story of a young girl who falls into a hole, eats and drinks poison and grows bigger and smaller.
B2 Une vie, paru en feuilleton en 1883, est le premier roman de Guy de Maupassant. « Quand Jeanne descendit toute fraîche dans une toilette claire, elle trouva la...
A2 «Margot passe la journée à travailler ses morceaux de piano. Elle passe plusieurs heures sur son clavier, mais elle reste insatisfaite…» Margot est une lycéenne brillante. Elle joue...
A1 PB3 et Martine ont une aventure sous-marine. PB3 et son robot Martine sont sur la plage avec leurs amis humains Arnaud et Chloé . Soudain, les méchants Oos...
A2 Eine Sommergeschichte. Ein Liebespaar fährt nach Schweden und macht dort Urlaub. Sie genießen die Landschaft und ihre gemeinsame freie Zeit. Für Abwechslung sorgen ein Freund und eine Freundin, die...
A2 Kleider machen Leute ist die mit Abstand populärste Erzählung aus Kellers Novellenzyklus Die Leute von Seldwyla. Wenzel Strapinski - ein armer, aber gut gekleideter Scheider - ist auf...
A1 Viens avec moi à Brême et tu deviendras musicien. Je jouerai de la guitare et toi, tu pourrais jouer du tambour » Voilà lhistoire dun âne qui décide...
A1 Bernard le renard vit avec sa famille dans le bois. Ils sont très heureux mais très paresseux : quand ils narrivent pas à faire quelque chose, ils se rendent...
A1.1 Nathan veut rentrer chez lui le plus vite possible ! Si Cyril veut venir déjeuner à la campagne, il est le bienvenu, mais pas question de revenir en ville...
A2 Nous conduirons les enfants au plus profond de la forêt et les laisserons seuls. Ils ne retrouveront plus leur chemin, et nous en serons débarrassés.» Hansel et Gretel...
A2 Alcune tra le sue più famose novelle tra cui Pensaci, Giacomino!, La giara e Ciaula scopre la luna, permettono di conoscere uno degli autori più amati della letteratura italiana....
B1 I Malavoglia è un romanzo che nasce da una profonda riflessione di Verga sull’uomo e sulla letteratura. Biografia di Giovanni Verga | Dossier informativi sull’opera e il suo...
B1 Die unglaubliche Entdeckungsreise zu einem mysteriösen Ort. Originaltext mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter als Fußnoten | Übungen zu Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und Grammatik | Übungen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung „Zertifikat Deutsch für...
A2 Eine vereinfachte, aber fesselnde Version des berühmten Werkes von Schiller, das die Geschichte des Schweizer Nationalhelden erzählt, der die Freiheit seiner Nation erkämpft. Text mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter...
A2 Die intelligenten Streiche des berühmtesten deutschen Narren. Originaltext mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter als Fußnoten | Übungen zu Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und Grammatik | Übungen zur Prüfungsvorbereitung Fit in Deutsch...
A2 Wer ist dieser Junge, der nicht spricht, nicht begreift, unschuldig wie das erste Wesen seiner Art? Was ist sein Geheimnis? Vereinfachter und gekürzter Text mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter...