A2-B1 Wollen wir für eine saubere Welt spielen? Wähle den richtigen Behälter für den Abfall und beantworte die Fragen. In diesem Spiel üben wir den Wortschatz zum Umweltschutz ein: Mülltrennung,...
A2-B1 ¡Los animales son los mejores amigos del hombre! Con este juego será más fácil aprender, consolidar y utilizar correctamente el vocabulario y las estructuras lingüísticas relacionadas con los animales....
A2-B1 Giochiamo ad avere un mondo pulito? Scegli il contenitore corretto per i rifiuti e rispondi alle domande. Giocando ci esercitiamo sul lessico legato all’ambiente: raccolta differenziata, riciclaggio, energie rinnovabili,...
A2-B1 Et si on jouait à avoir un monde propre ? Choisissez le conteneur de déchets correct et répondez aux questions. Avec ce jeux vous exercerez le vocabulaire lié à...
A2 How we look after water is something that will greatly affect the future of our Earth and the wellbeing of its inhabitants. This book asks children to think about...
A2-B1 Let’s play and have a clean world! Choose the correct bin for the rubbish and answer the questions. Play and practise vocabulary related to the environment: recycling, renewable energy,...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English is a course designed specifically to motivate and engage students, and to introduce them to the global dimension of the English language. Engaging texts and videos...
Ready for Planet English Split Edition is the split edition of Ready for Planet English Full Edition. Components and structure• Each volume contains 5 SB units and 5 WB units...